• The Rose

    Some say love it is a river
    That drowns the tender reed
    Some say love it is a razor
    that leaves your soul to bleed

    Some say love it is a hunger
    an endless aching need
    I say love it is a flower
    and you its only seed

    It's the heart afraid of breaking
    that never learns to dance
    It's the dream afraid of waking
    that never takes the chance

    It's the one who won't be taking
    who cannot seem to give
    and the soul afraid of dyin'
    that never learns to live

    When the night has been too lonely
    and the road has been too long
    and you think that love is only
    for the lucky and the strong

    Just remember in the winter
    far beneath the bitter snows
    lies the seed that with the sun's love
    in the spring becomes the rose

    Bette Midler

    Ich finde dieses Lieder wundervoll!


    Die Liebe hemmet nichts; sie kennt nicht Tür noch Riegel,
    Und bringt durch alles sich;
    Sie ist ohn Anbeginn, schlug ewig ihre Flügel,
    Und schlägt sie ewiglich.